Giant Puppets, costumes, banners, whistles … bring it all to the Arroyo Seco 4th of July Parade. Love-In-Action is celebrating the heroes of the People’s History of the United States: activists, whistleblowers, and muckrakers.
July 4th, 11:00am SHARP! Gather at the Arroyo Seco Community Center (the gathering point for on-foot marchers). The parade starts at noon, but it’s good to come early before they close the street and parking gets tight.
Everyone is welcome … if you haven’t been to a Love-In-Action gathering or event, welcome! We’re happy to have you come along. Want to invite friends? Use Facebook.
Ideas to stir your creative juices:

CodePink Taos is bringing these 5 Giant Puppets to the Parade … and looking for 5 strong backs to wear them!
Come dressed as Mother Jones, Eugene Debs, Dorothy Day, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, Cesar Chavez.
Bring banners or signs to honor people like Larry Gibson, Rosa Parks, the Little Rock Nine, Howard Zinn, Susan B. Anthony, Grace Lee Boggs, Winona LaDuke, Julia Butterfly Hill
Blow a whistle for Daniel Ellsberg, Jesselyn Radack, Thomas Drake, Karen Silkwood, Erin Brokovich.
Volunteer to carry one of the Codepink Taos’ Five Giant Puppets of Sadako Sasaki, Rosa Parks, Winona Laduke, Dolores Huerta and Amy Goodman.
Paint a long banner with every whistleblower’s name you can think of. Or one for activists. Or muckrakers.
For more inspiration, check out the Americans Who Tell the Truth Series:
About the Love-In-Action Network: We are a network of locally organized, interconnected groups dedicated to nonviolent action. The Love-In-Action Network empowers citizens through education, discussion, and action, providing opportunities to collectively and individually study nonviolent action, and preparing for the necessary struggle to ensure our health, well-being, and a future for humanity.
“You are the ones you’ve been waiting for!”