Tag Archives: nuclear bombs

Love-In-Action Taos Builds Winter Momentum Through Film Screenings

Rivera Sun introducing Gasland film at Moby Dickens Bookshop.

Love-In-Action Taos is activism at high-altitude … which means the winters are cold and snowy. We don’t do so much protesting outdoors during this season, but we keep active anyway! This winter, we’re screening documentaries at the local bookstore, Moby Dickens. We’ve selected a few films out of the thousands our group has collectively seen. Here’s the line-up for the next few months. Popcorn will be served (vegan and nonvegan, GMO-free). We accept donations, but no one is turned away.

Full Winter Schedule of Movies At Moby’s:

TheForgottenBomb_KeyArt_DVD.wideaThe Forgotten Bomb Sat, Jan 10th at 7pm w/ filmmaker Bud Ryan speaking afterwards. “Join filmmaker Bud Ryan on an epic journey to discover what the Bomber can learn from the Bombed and what the true state of the nuclear threat is today.” With Los Alamos National Laboratory just down the road and the continuing waste storage crisis at the WIPP facility, this is a timely and relevant film to witness as we enter the 70th year since the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We are also very fortunate to have filmmaker Bud Ryan in attendance, so please tell all your friends! Watch trailer here.

A Force More Powerful Sat, Jan 17th at 7pm This groundbreaking film explores one of the 20th century’s most important but least understood stories: how nonviolent power has overcome oppression and authoritarian rule all over the world. Narrated by Ben Kingsley, and nominated for an Emmy, A Force More Powerful premiered on PBS in September 2000. Watch the trailer.

Gasland Part II, Sat, Feb 7th, at 7pm After the eerie and unsettling Gasland I screening at Moby Dickens, we’re substituting fact for horror in our film series. GASLAND PART II will provide you with a compelling narrative, shocking facts, clear science on the largest domestic drilling campaign in modern history and an understanding of why drilling can never be made safe. From faucets lighting on fire to dead cows to a bevy of healthcare complaints to entire rivers contaminated with waste fracking fluid, this issue is catastrophe wreaking havoc on our nation. Watch the trailer.

the_salt_of_the_earth_poster-2Salt of the Earth, Sat, March 7th, at 7pm Based on an actual strike against the Empire Zinc Mine in New Mexico, the film deals with the prejudice against the Mexican-American workers, who struck to attain wage parity with Anglo workers in other mines and to be treated with dignity by the bosses. In the end, the greatest victory for the workers and their families is the realization that prejudice and poor treatment are conditions that are not always imposed by outside forces. This powerful film is one of the few films to have been blacklisted by the US government. Today, it is considered a masterpiece and a treasure. Rivera’s note: This film is outstanding! Incredible cinematography, good acting, and startlingly progressive message. Watch the original and very entertaining trailer.

Bonus film: Cowspiracy, Mural Room, Friday, April 24 (time TBA & there may be an admission charge.)
“Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret” is a groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary following intrepid filmmaker Kip Andersen as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and investigates why the world’s leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it. This film is being presented by the Vegan Meet-up Group as part of their Earth Day event series. *Rivera’s note: Not so much a vegan film as a must-see for anyone concerned about climate change. We made an exception in our Moby’s series to include this film because it’s so important for everyone to know about, watch, and tell their friends about. It’s life-changing.Watch the trailer.

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70,000 Cranes For Peace – Send a Creative Message of Peace to the Cradle of the Bomb

70000 Cranes for PeaceLove-In-Action Taos has joined in with a beautiful project you may want to participate in. Send a creative message of peace to the “cradle of the bomb” to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the horrific bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This year, as people around the world take action to commemorate the massacre and ban the bomb, Campaign Nonviolence and Upaya Zen Center are calling on citizens to fold 70,000 paper cranes for peace to be brought to Los Alamos National Laboratory, on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Days. Sign up here.

Sadako statue with paper cranes in Japan.

Sadako statue with paper cranes in Japan.

Seventy years ago, the United States dropped two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing 80,000 women, children, and men instantly; and over 150,000 in total. The symbolism of the paper crane began with Sadako Sasaki, who was two years old when the blast from the Hiroshima bomb threw her out a window. She was ten when purple spots formed on her arms and legs. Hospitalized for leukemia in Feb 1955, the popular girl died in October 1955. In her last year of life, she folded 1300 paper cranes as a prayer for healing. The paper crane is now an international symbol of peace, and a poignant reminder of the human costs of nuclear bombs.

On Aug 6-9th, hundreds of citizens will be gathering in New Mexico to embody Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous words regarding nuclear weapons, “It is no longer a choice between violence or nonviolence. It is nonviolence or nonexistence.” They will be participating in a National Conference on Nonviolence and traveling to the heart of nuclear weapons research, Los Alamos National Laboratory, to hold a vigil, a peace march, and deliver 70,000 paper cranes that have been folded by people like you.

Love-In-Action Taos folded paper cranes designed by Taos member, Paul Gutches.

Love-In-Action Taos folded paper cranes designed by Taos member, Paul Gutches.

Come to New Mexico in person or send a delegation of paper cranes to represent you, your family, friends, and neighbors, your peace and justice center, church or spiritual group, school or classroom. Learn how to fold cranes and sign up here.

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