Category Archives: Love-In-Action News!

News from Love-In-Action members around the world!

San Luis Obispo Love-In-Action group begins to form by facilitating Sacred Activism exchange.

Love in action is Thich Nhat Hahn's phrase to describe nonviolent action, but the idea has inspired many.

Love in action is Thich Nhat Hahn’s phrase to describe nonviolent action, but the idea has inspired many.

The San Luis Obispo Love-In-Action group is forming an online opportunity for the Tri-County area of San Luis Obispo, Ventura, and Santa Barbara counties of California to discuss Sacred Activism. Bob Banner, coordinator for the group, is beginning the process by “creating a sacred activism facebook group in the tri county area to identify those people who have proclivities toward that idea and inviting them and sharing with them what they/we are interested in pursuing and to also express the importance of a deeper conversation setting from which to be heard, listened to and seen.”

If you live in these counties and would like to go deeper, contact: Bob Banner, HopeDance, phone 805 762 4848.

Also, if you live in these counties (or anywhere) and would like to form your own Love-In-Action group, please contact Rivera Sun and she’ll have a fun chat with you about how to get started!

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Taos Gathering Sings!

Greetings from Love-In-Action Taos! photo by Patricia Morningstar

Greetings from Love-In-Action Taos! photo by Patricia Morningstar

Dear Love-In-Action Network,

The Love-In-Action Network is a very humble and simple thing. We come together, we talk, we deepen through our gathering, and then we act together to help our world. There has been interest in this network from around the globe (Morocco, British Columbia, Mexico) and also many communities here in the United States. I want to encourage everyone to just do it! Start a local group. Invite your friends. Bake cookies. Talk.

Every Love-In-Action group develops from simple beginnings. Over time, they will have amazingly unique flavors. I want to share some reflections on our Taos, NM (USA) group. Hopefully, they will inspire you.

For our second Love-In-Action gathering, a young(er) woman and I asked to learn the old protest songs and spirituals. Little did we know the magic contained in these songs! At the risk of waxing poetic or sounding sentimental, I watched the room come alive through the songs. Pete Seeger believed that when we sing together, we have joined in spirit to sing. I felt that. I watched the “older” members of our group shine with the joy of sharing these songs. For me, asking to learn these songs was a way of honoring the generation of the 1960’s, and of tapping into what George Lakey calls “the accumulated revolutionary wisdom of the people”.

At this gathering, we also had a Christian and Muslim sitting next to each other, along with some Buddhist-Taoists (like myself) and other faiths, too. In these times of hate and war, I feel small moments of peace like this are worth mentioning and celebrating.

We spoke about our interests in Love-In-Action, our feelings of needing to find action in this time of great change, and our yearning for positive, constructive, and tangible efforts. One idea that caught the group’s interest was to pick up the litter that plagues our community, holding signs that say, “Please don’t litter” and “Love-In-Action Taos”. Many felt that a visible, humble, and practical contribution to our community was the perfect way to begin our efforts. We briefly explored the idea of how to use the litter picking up day as a meditation or an intentional focus of being Love in Action – which reminded me of Thich Nhat Hanh’s writings. Can we practice compassion while engaging in practical action? I think we can.

At the next gathering in two weeks, we will use the World Cafe discussion model to dive deeper into our ideas for group efforts on the local and larger problems we want work together to address.

Please do not be shy. Leave a reply and I will email you back. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for … and the time is now. Join us.

With love,
Rivera Sun

P.S. Find us all on Facebook, too!


Filed under Love-In-Action News!, Photos

Love-In-Action Coming to a Community Near You!

Quote from Rivera Sun. Meme by Brent Adams

Quote from Rivera Sun. Meme by Brent Adams

“We call into action those whose hearts cry out for justice, and those whose spirits know that the continued survival of our species depends on our concerted efforts now.”

So begin the opening statements the Love-In-Action Network’s Living Charter. I’ve spent years writing fictional novels about social movements and courageous action, but today, I am honored to be a part of the real-life movement for change. The Love-In-Action Network was founded to empower you and your community to participate in the epic struggle for humanity’s future that is sweeping the globe.

To borrow a potent and descriptive phrase from my novel, The Dandelion Insurrection, the Love-In-Action Network is “what happens when the heart breaks open with love and springs into action.”

It’s Occupy crossed with compassion, grounded in the lineage of committed nonviolent struggle. It’s a D.I.Y. study group and action team rolled into one . . . and it’s coming to a neighborhood near you.

All across America, ordinary people like you are yearning for coordinated action like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement or Gandhi and the Indian struggle for Self-Rule. We are ready for change – we know the time is now – but we’ve been looking for a charismatic leader to appear. You know what?

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!

The Love-In-Action Network exists to help you become one of the thousand points of light shining in this time of darkness. The Network offers community and solidarity. It empowers you and your friends to engage in trainings, readings, discussions, strategy sessions, and actions. Local groups can be as large as whole cities or as small as two friends. Pre-existing groups can join the Network under their own names, listing themselves as the Your Local Action Group, part of the Love-In-Action Network.

“No more looking for leaders! You are the change!” – Steam Drills by Rivera Sun

Local groups enjoy autonomy and solidarity, able to both create local strategies for action and join with others for regional and national campaigns. All you need is a commitment to nonviolence and a couple of friends.

The Love-In-Action Network has five focuses:

  • 1) Training in nonviolent struggle, philosophy, strategy, history and techniques.
  • 2) Crafting a vision of the future and creating a roadmap from here to there.
  • 3) Connecting inner work to outer action.
  • 4) Developing teams of people capable of high-level strategic analysis of current problems and of formulating strategic plans of nonviolent action.
  • 5) Strengthening the interconnections of one’s community in preparation for nonviolent struggle and readying local members for participation in national mobilizations.

With these, every member of the Network becomes prepared to engage with the challenges of our times. We are an empowered, self-governing organization that can respond flexibly and swiftly to crises, as well as prepare strategies for long-term campaigns. We work with organizations like the Metta Center for Nonviolence and Pace e Bene’s Campaign Nonviolence to provide excellent opportunities for training.

Out of all of this, the coordinated Network of trained individuals becomes a collective force capable of tackling the serious challenges that we face. In your community, church group, or town, let your heart pull you into action. Join a local group or create your own.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!

Learn more about the Love-In-Action Network, find a local group, or create your own by visiting our website

Author/Actress Rivera Sun is a co-founder of the Love-In-Action Network, a co-host on Occupy Radio, and, in addition to her new novel, The Dandelion Insurrection, she is also the author of nine plays, a book of poetry, and her debut novel, Steam Drills, Treadmills, and Shooting Stars, which celebrates everyday heroes who meet the challenges of climate change with compassion, spirit, and strength.


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